Tuesday 30 December 2008

Penis the Menace - Circumcision

Q: I am a 32-year-old single virgin. Six months ago my foreskin could slide down without any problem but now it has become tighter and very difficult to pull down completely. If I use force it pains and I get cracks on the skin which burn when I urinate. I also see white residue on the head of the penis and on the foreskin, though it doesn’t smell. Can you please help? I am worried.

A: You need to see a surgeon who may suggest a circumcision which is a simple, painless procedure. Do not hesitate.

Monday 29 December 2008

Masturbatory sample

Q: I got married in May this year and have never used a condom so far. Yet my wife has not conceived. Recently her periods got delayed by 10 days, but eventually she menstruated. How can she get pregnant?

A: Both of you should visit a gynaecologist to confirm if she is ok. You should get a spermatic fluid examination done. Go to a pathologist, he’ll give you a small container in which you can provide a masturbatory sample.

Which days are safe to have sex without pregnancy?

Q: I am getting married next month and we plan to have a child after one year. What is the safest period to have sex without contraception?

A: The first and last seven days counting from the first day of your wife’s menstruation are the safest days. Why not use a condom, so that you can have pleasure on other days as well?

Sunday 28 December 2008

How to increase stamina for sex?

Q: I am a 29-year-old man. I want to increase my stamina for sex. Currently my erection lasts only for one to two minutes. Please help me.

A: You can enjoy your sexual life even with one or two minutes erection. Do not focus on the stopwatch; instead, enjoy your partner's company. Indulge in longer foreplay to satisfy her as well. Learn better control of your sex pleasure centre in the brain. Try the stop-start therapy. Following are some of the ways to enhance your sex experience:

  • Use Ezerex penis enlargement and solutions for guaranteed prolonged erections
  • Use Undercover Condoms for that firm grip which enhances sexual performance

How to plan for the first sex

Q: I am a 24-year-old man and my girlfriend is 19 -years old. We plan to have sex, is it safe?

A: Sex is not only about safety, there are other factors like the future consequences. If you must, than always use a condom. I would recommend you use Undercover Condoms which are clinically tested and are medically safe to use and provide extra grip & satisfaction. Also there are many other ways to satisfy each other, try those first.

Saturday 27 December 2008

How to seduce fiancee not interested in sex?

Q: My fiancee is not interested in sex. She is studying medicine and thinks that sex is only for reproduction. We have sex chat on the phone and I masturbate but when I am with her she does not like to talk about it. She is unable to detect the reason of her disinterest. Please help us.

A: Make her speak to an elder, like her mother or see a sex counsellor. You can indulge in more action like kissing or hugging.

Is frequent oral sex advisable?

Q: We are a couple of long standing. Is there any issue if both of us make oral sex a part of our intercourse every time? Will it lead to any disease? Is there a safe way to do this or should we stop?

A: It is normal if both of you agree. Oral sex is safe and does not lead to disease.

Friday 26 December 2008

EROS for prolonged erection

Q: I am nearing 50 years of age and have been using the delay cream ‘Eros’ on random occasions for prolonged ejaculation. My wife enjoys it. Is it alright to use this cream on a regular basis? Will it have any side effects if I use it for a long term?

A: If you can do without it, good. If not, I see no harm as you have used it often. I would recommend Ezerex's proven solution for prolonged erections. Why not increase foreplay so that she can get an orgasm before intercourse and more later?

Miscarriage, Cysts in ovaries & Copper T

Q: I am a 28-year-old mother of an eight-year-old boy and a three-year-old girl and my husband is 35. I have had two miscarriages so far and have got cysts in my ovaries. Though we have a healthy sex life now, we could not have one earlier when we were working long hours. Nowadays I experience pain for several hours after intercourse. My husband’s penis measures seven inches from pubic hair to the tip and he is circumcised. He is a gentle and caring lover and I am well lubricated too (I use Xylocaine 2 per cent gel). I have inserted a Copper T, which the gynaec says should not cause a problem. What could be the problem then?

A: Re-check with the gynaec to exclude possibilities of any infection. A vaginal pessary may be advised.

Thursday 25 December 2008

Does sex with innerwears on cause pregnancy?

Q: My girlfriend and I had sex with our innerwear on. Will she get pregnant?

A: Possibly not. But it depends on how deep and near the vagina your penis was. Innerwear tends to move aside to allow the penis to touch the vagina. Next time try using a condom even if you are clothed.

Inviting suggestions for a sex contest


I will soon reach the much desired 1,000 mark...

I started this blog with the aim of helping all the sex-o-holics out there... who are like me, unsure of whom to ask about the pressing questions about the most delicate part of their body & life - SEX and related issues! I didn't expect that there are so many freaks interested in this... My blog will shortly turn into 1,000 unique visitors - just within 85 days of its launch! It's indeed quite an achievement in itself, given the fact that I do not take too much efforts in popularising this blog. The content does it for itself!

I am quite happy... I am thinking of celebrating my joy... How do I celebrate it? I am not getting of any good ideas... Please suggest... Drop your comments and I will soon finalize on the best one. It may probably lead in to a fantastic sex contest in future. So shoot your comments!

It's a double treat... Merry Christmas + Sex Contest in the making

Does masturbation cause pimples?

Q: I am a 22-year-old man. I want to know if masturbation can be the cause for pimples on my face. I used to masturbate once or twice a week. My friends tell me that it’s this habit which causes the pimples. Please help me. I’m very worried.

A: Certainly not. Ask your ignorant friends to get educated.

MERRY CHRISTMAS to all SEX Lovers...

Give yourself a great, lavish treat this Christmas. I am aroused to bring to you a few fantastic options, which I myself am gifting myself!!

Wednesday 24 December 2008

Should I remove foreskin of penis for better sex?

Q: I am 29-year-old man. My foreskin does not go back completely, and I suspect I have an infection there. Do I need to remove my foreskin? How many days will it take if I get it operated? Will this be a minor or major affair? Do I need to visit any particular physician?

A: The foreskin should easily slip up and down till the base of the head of the penis. If it does not, see a surgeon. The operation is simple and painless. You can go home in a few hours and after a day's rest go back to work. Complete healing takes ten to fifteen days.

Too frequent masturbation...

Q: I am 22 years old. I have been masturbating daily since the last five years. Is this frequency okay? Also, 90 per cent of the times I ejaculate in my undergarments. Can this lead to any infection?

A: Masturbate only when you're truly sexually aroused; do not make it a habit. Why not use a cloth and save your underwear? Hopefully you're exposing your penis out of your underwear.

Tuesday 23 December 2008

Does length of head of penis mater in sex?

Q: I am 26 years old. The head of my penis is around 35 per cent of the total length of my penis. Is this okay? Also the foreskin covers the entire penis, except the tip, when fully erect. Will this cause a problem in sexual intercourse?

A: Are you an architect? Your penis is perfect. The foreskin should easily slip up and over the head of the penis.

How to find out if estranged wife had sex with someone else?

Q: My wife hasn't been staying with me for the past six months. Now, she wants to come back. Is there any medical test that can detect if she has had sex during this period? Or maybe has been through an abortion? Where can we get this test done? We have a two-year-old kid.

A: With so much suspicion in your head, your reunion is bound to fail. If you both want to get back together, forget the past and think of the baby.

Monday 22 December 2008

Will under-sized penis cause problems in marriage?

Q: I am a 26-year-old bachelor. I am slightly obese. I am getting married next month. My penis measures only one and a half inches when flaccid and almost three inches when erect. Will I be able to penetrate successfully? I have fat thighs. What will be the best position for me?

A: With so many doubts, it is best you undergo premarital counselling. It will benefit you immensely. In the meanwhile, exercise and eat sensibly to reduce weight.

Regular periods even after unprotected sex?

Q: I am 22 years old. I indulged in unprotected sex with my boyfriend in the month of May. I got my periods the next month. The periods were regular till last month. However, I have missed my periods this month. I am very scared. What do I do?

A: It cannot be due to a conception, so do not be scared. You should consult a gynaecologist. In the meanwhile, have an iron tonic.

Sunday 21 December 2008

Habit of rubbing private parts

Q: I am a 19-year-old girl. Over the past six months, I have developed a habit of rubbing my private parts. Sometimes, a white coloured liquid is secreted from my vagina. Am I normal? Please help.

A: You are trying to satisfy your sexual urge by this method. A lot of single (and even married
women) do the same. There is nothing to be anxious about. Do not poke your finger in the
vagina or you will break your hymen. Go on Google and educate yourself about the human
anatomy. The white fluid is your natural vaginal secretion.

Saturday 20 December 2008

Small penis, No facial hair: Any impact on sex life?

Q1: I am 23 years old. My penis measures only 4.5 inches. Please help.

A: Live with it and be satisfied because the size is adequate for intercourse and to satisfy a
woman. However if you still wish to enlarge your penis (note that this will improve your mentality, and not your sex life), try Ezerex.

Q2: I am 24 years old. I don't have facial hair. I am always teased by my colleagues. Is there a cream or a tablet to promote hair growth?

A: Have patience. If you feel that other parts of your body haven't developed as well, then
consult an endocrinologist. Maybe you need to do exercise and eat right. Ignore the
comments. People can be heartless at times.

Friday 19 December 2008

No orgasm, Premature ejaculation, Frustrated wife

Q: I am 30 years old, married four months ago. I usually ejaculate during foreplay. Sometimes my penis doesn’t get erect due to lack of excitement. Many times my penis bends at the time of penetration or it slips away from the vagina. Sometimes during penetration, it withdraws on its own due to weakness. My wife and I are very frustrated. Please help.

A: Change your position. Try the woman on top position. During masturbation, stop much before you get the sensation to ejaculate. Press the head of your penis between two fingers and your thumb, and restart stroking. Repeat 12 to 15 times. You should improve in four months. At intercourse, enter gently. A well-lubricated vagina can make matters easier. Wait inside till you are under control; stop and start many times. If this therapy does not succeed, see a sexologist for medication.

Thursday 18 December 2008

No vaginal sensation while on condoms

Q: I am 39 years old, married for the last 12 years. Whenever I use a condom during intercourse with my wife, I don’t feel her vagina and hence I don't get excited. I need to have that sensation to reach orgasm. Is this psychological? Is there any way to
get aroused despite a condom? Do you suggest any particular type?

A: A very thin variety of condoms is now available and they allow better sensation. You could try sex without a condom the first and last seven days of the period. Count from the first day. On other days, use a condom. Increase pleasure by longer foreplay.

Wednesday 17 December 2008

Sex during pregnancy - How?

Q: My wife is in the first month of pregnancy. Is it safe to have sex? The doctor has suggested otherwise. Please advise.

A: You must listen to her doctor. During the first three months, the fertilised ovum tries to get a firm place in the uterus and it can be displaced due to sex. Also, during the first three months, the woman experiences nausea and vomiting. It is not necessary to indulge in peno-vaginal sex. You could ask her to help you with masturbation. Some also practice ‘sex between thighs’. It is likely that you will not get proper erection. Consult MaxErect.com for their guaranteed solution for erection-related problems.

Monday 15 December 2008

Ask Sexpert: Medicine to increase breast size

Q: I am 28 years old. I wish to increase my breast size. I have heard there are many gels available in the market for the same. Some people say eating fruits like strawberry helps blood circulation and hence aid increase of breast size. Is this true? Please help.

A: No fruit, no food, cream or gadget will increase the size. Why not pay greater attention to the other attractive parts of your body. Develop them so that people are more attracted to them rather than your breasts.

Sunday 14 December 2008

Ask Sexpert: Excessive masturbation & sex life

Q: 1) My penis is slightly bent towards the left. Also, the foreskin doesn't slide down completely. Will this affect my sex life? 2) Does excessive masturbation lead to any brain related disorder? 3) What are the precautions that one must take to avoid infections when indulging in oral sex?

A: 1) The bend will not make any difference to your ability to have intercourse. The foreskin should be examined by a surgeon. You may need a circumcision. 2) Masturbation does not harm any part of the body, including the brain. 3) Oral sex does not do harm if the person does it with a single trusted partner. Oral sex is illegal in India.

Saturday 13 December 2008

Ask Sexpert: Penis size & problems of using condom

Q: Is the length of penis hereditary?

A: No idea.

Q: I am 21 years old. I have sex with my girlfriend every month, during which I always ejaculate inside her. None of us prefer using a condom. Also, whenever I use a condom, I am unable to ejaculate. She makes it a point to have an I-pill immediately after sex. Is it harmful to have I-pill once a month?

A: I-Pill, if not used only for emergency purposes, can lead to a problem. You both are taking a huge risk of unwanted pregnancy. Please do use a condom, always.

Friday 12 December 2008

Ask Sexpert: Troubles of peno-vaginal sex

Q: Three weeks ago, the tip of my penis had burnt and swelled a bit while having peno-vaginal sex. As usual, I cleaned my penis with warm water and the skin turned normal within a few days. But when I indulged again, the same thing happened. It is painful now and cracks have re-appeared. Please help.

A: Have your partner checked for a vaginal infection. And have it treated. A tight foreskin could also be a cause. If so, see a surgeon.

Thursday 11 December 2008

Ask Sexpert: Secrets of women orgasm

Q: I have been married for more than ten years now and my wife says I have never made her orgasm. I have tried extending foreplay, sometimes for over an hour with start-stop technique but to no result. She says it's probably because of my penis size which is five-six inches when erect. She only orgasms when she masturbates. What should I do?

A: During foreplay, continue till she gets an orgasm, then proceed to give her a second one through intercourse. If you finish earlier, stroke her vagina till she reaches orgasm. It is common for women to reach orgasm by masturbation.

Wednesday 10 December 2008

Ask Sexpert: How to sexually attract a man?

Q: I am an 18-year-old woman. I am attracted towards a man who doesn’t know about it. I want to have sex with him. How can I make him sexually attracted to me? Is there any harm if I do so?

A: Ask yourself. You are the only person who will be affected. Think of the future carefully before you proceed. If you are in dilemma, I would recommend you call up Keen advisors. Just register for a free account, pick up your favourite advisor, and they will call you (yes, international numbers too). If you register through this link, you'll get 3 minutes absolutely free call. Open your mind to the world renowned advisors and I am sure they will show you the way ahead.

Monday 8 December 2008

Ask Sexpert: Tablets to prolong ejaculation

Q: I am a 29-year-old man and I got married six months ago. I am not satisfied with my performance in bed. I ejaculate within five minutes of intercourse. This leaves my wife upset as well. I recently heard of Himalaya’s Confido tablets through a friend who admits they make sex more satisfying. Should I go ahead and start using them? Will they have any side-effects? How long do I have to consume them?

A: You may try the tablets twice a day for 20 days. Along with that you should learn better control. Have more foreplay to satisfy your wife. For guaranteed results, Try Ezerex - a proven solution to ensure longer performance and completely satisfied wife.

Sunday 7 December 2008

Ask Sexpert: Operation to get back Virginity?

Q: I am a 24, and I recently had sex with my boyfriend, much against my wishes. I will be getting married to a guy from my native place in two-three months. My future husband is bound to find out that I am not a virgin. How do I answer him? Please suggest any operation to get my virginity back. I don’t want to ruin my marriage.

A: A sorry situation. If you are sure your husband will be curious and will take offence to you not being a virgin, see a gynaecologist who may repair the hymen or will refer someone who will. What a pity it will be split again!

Saturday 6 December 2008

Ask Sexpert: ELISA test & unprotected sex

Q: I am a 22 year-old-man. I had unprotected sex with a prostitute four months ago. A couple of weeks ago I got an ELISA test done under the guidance of a physician and the results were negative. During this period, I had some symptoms of HIV, which is why I underwent the test. How can I ensure I don't have HIV and that I don't need any more tests like the western bolt? Can tension give rise to HIV-like symptoms?

A: You have no infection; confirm with another test after 5 months. Symptoms of HIV are similar to common illnesses except they persist.

Thursday 4 December 2008

Ask Sexpert: Thicker penis & smaller vagina

Q: I have a very small vaginal opening and my husband's penis is quite thick. He finds it uncomfortable to penetrate. Can you suggest some measures we can take to ease out?

A: The vaginal diameter can open and give birth to a baby. You may need to go to a gynaecologist who may provide you with a dilator to be used daily.

Wednesday 3 December 2008

Ask Sexpert: Same blood group & Conceiving

Q: I am a 26-year-old woman. My fiancé is 24. Both of us have the same blood group, B-positive. Will be there any problem while conceiving a baby? Also, he suffers from Thalassaemia (minor). I underwent the Thalassaemia test and the results were negative. I am worried about the blood group. Will it affect our married life? Do we need treatment?

A: The blood group will not affect your married life nor conception. The Thalassaemia if kept under watch will not harm life.

Tuesday 2 December 2008

Ask Sexpert: Is oral sex safe?

Q: How safe is oral sex as far as HIV transmission is concerned? I have heard that HIV isn’t transmitted via oral sex. I recently indulged in oral sex with a sex worker.

A: There is a possibility of contracting HIV/AIDS via oral sex. However, the chances are much less as compared to indulging in genital sex with an unknown partner. She may have gum bleeding and the virus needs only a small abrasion to enter.